mercredi 14 mai 2014

List of Major Bitcoin

Dear reader,

This thread has been superseded by a newer thread due to character size restrictions. A copy is left here for archival purposes; however, this copy is significantly out-of-date.

List of Bitcoin Heists
Following is the result of research on prior Bitcoin-related thefts. I have provided dates and times as I know them. The list is designed to be as accurate and informative as possible, and most of it is well-referenced. For disputed thefts, I have applied best judgement and included the ones that were most publicly accepted.

Because of the volatile nature of Bitcoin's exchange price, I have denominated heist estimates in BTC. Although not heists per se, major permanent bitcoin-denominated losses are also included in this list. If I missed any major thefts, heists, or losses, or if you have any other information to contribute to one of these events, please leave a reply in this thread.

Additionally, I would be grateful if contributors write commentary for each theft. Ideally, the theft descriptions should be as detailed as possible. Much of the present commentary is inadequate.

Table of Contents

This entire document is licenced under the public domain. If that is not permissible in your jurisdiction, it can then be licenced under any permissible licence of your choosing.

The author of this list believes all information contained thereof to be factual; however, the author takes no responsibility for any losses associated with factual inaccuracies in the list.

Factual inaccuracies
Although I make every attempt to ensure information in the list is well-cited and factual, there is always the possibility of error (whether on my part or on my source's part). If you find a factual inaccuracy, please report it. You will be credited appropriately for such reports.

Donations are appreciated and are accepted at 1MLSW1nmYkHqaHWNNkHSAHct6exd8fYYLX. Alternatively, consider a donation to a charitable cause. Many victims of these thefts accept donations, and they likely need the donations more than I.

Without properly-defined bounds, this list could not possibly be complete. Consequently, several clauses below limit the scope of the list.

Generally, a major heist, theft, hack, scam, or loss must cause damage greater than or equal to 1000 BTC, in BTC damage only, to qualify for inclusion in this list. Thefts related to Bitcoin but with most damage in another currency do not qualify, unless customers were damaged in BTC. Borderline thefts may qualify if reasonable estimates are over or equal to 1000 BTC. Thefts that do not strictly qualify but are of significant importance are listed in thethefts not included section.

Managing Bitcoin prices
It is well-known that Bitcoin prices are volatile. Before 2011, the value of a single BTC was extremely low. Consequently, this list ignores most events that occurred before 2011. If a theft, hack, scam, or loss caused damage greater than or equal to 5000 BTC before 2011 (i.e., in 2009 or 2010), it is not listed on the severity charts. If a theft, hack, scam, or loss caused damage less than 5000 BTC before 2011, it is not listed on this list at all.

This list also employs USD cutoff values. Thefts with USD damages below the given cutoff for the year will still be included, but will be excluded from or unranked in severity lists.

Cutoff values so far are below:

YearCutoff ValueSeverity list cutoff
20095000 BTC*N/A
20105000 BTC*N/A
20111000 BTC12000 $
20121000 BTC12000 $
20131000 BTC12000 $
* These thefts are not listed in the BTC-denominated severity chart.

Included borderline thefts
Finally, another clause is provided to allow important thefts not meeting the cutoff to remain included. Borderline thefts, which have less than 1000 BTCin total damages, may still be included if their total damage when measured in June 2013 BTC exceeds 500 BTC. This measurement is based on Mt. Gox price data prior to 2013-06-09, Bitstamp price data after 2013-06-10, and US CPI data published by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics.

For ease of navigation, I have assigned each theft a name. Note that this name is neither official nor permanent and is used solely for ease of navigation. To search for the heading that details the actual theft, simply use your browser's Find function and search for the name. This will either bring you to the theft itself, or a link to the theft. If the latter, simply click the link to be directed to the theft.

Some links will appear in commentary and in lists. These can be clicked; their destination is set to the beginning of the linked incident's section.

List of events by severity

Dear reader,

This thread has been superseded by a newer thread due to character size restrictions. A copy is left here for archival purposes; however, this copy is significantly out-of-date.

NB: This section is under construction.
In this section, each theft is listed alongside the value stolen when converted to a June 2013 BTC equivalent. This represents the true value stolen and is generally the best list in that regard. No incidents need be left out of this list, thanks to its method of ranking based on true severity.

List of events by BTC value stolen
In this section, each theft is listed along with its rank, severity, and time, ordered by the highest mBTC value stolen from most severe to least. To navigate to a theft, simply click on the link.

Critical (≥10 kBTC)
1Bitcoin Savings and Trust2011–2012est. 263024 BTC
2Silk Road SeizureOctober 2013171955.09292687BTC
3MyBitcoin TheftJuly 201178739.58205388BTC
4Linode HacksMarch 2012l.b. 46653.46630495BTC
5July 2012 Bitcoinica TheftJuly 201240000.00000000BTC
6*May 2012 Bitcoinica HackMay 2012
Unresolved as of December 2012
39000 BTC total impact
7Allinvain TheftJune 201125000.01000000BTC
8Tony Silk Road ScamApril 2012est. 30000 BTC
9Bitfloor TheftSeptember 2012u.b. 24086.17219307BTC LossAugust 2011est. 17000 BTC
11Bitcoin7 HackOctober 2011est. 11000 BTC u.b. 15000 BTC
* Rank includes pass-through impact

Major (≥1 kBTC)
12Cdecker TheftSeptember 20129222.21195900BTC
13Stefan Thomas LossJune 2011est. 7000 BTC
14BTC-E HackJuly 2012est. 4500 BTC HackOctober 2013est. 4100 BTC
16Mass MyBitcoin TheftsJune 20114019.42939378BTC
17Mooncoin TheftSeptember 2011est. 4000 BTC
18Kronos HackUnknownest. 4000 BTC
19Bitcoin Rain2011–2013est. 4000 BTC
202012 TrojanSeptember through November 20123500 BTC a. 3457 BTC
21Betcoin TheftApril 20123171.50195016BTC
22June 2011 Mt. Gox IncidentJune 2011l.b. 2643.27BTC
*October 2011 Mt. Gox LossOctober 20112609.36304319BTC
*Andrew Nollan ScamFebruary 2012l.b. 2211.07786728BTC
23Bit LC TheftFebruary 2013est. 2000 BTC
24Bitcoin Syndicate TheftJuly 20121852.61553553BTC
25ZigGap2012a. 1708.65967460BTC
26Just Dice IncidentJuly 2013a. 1300 BTC
27BTCGuild IncidentMarch 2013a. 1254 BTC
282012 50BTC TheftOctober 20121173.51659074BTC
*Ubitex Scam2011a. 1138.98BTC
*Bitscalper Scam2012est. 1000 BTC
* Unranked because USD value at time does not meet cutoff.

Borderline (<1 kBTC)
292013 ForkMarch 2013960.09645667BTC
30Ozcoin TheftApril 2013922.99063322BTC

List of events by USD equivalent of mBTC at time of theft
NB: This section is outdated.
This section houses a list of thefts, from most severe to least, by the USD equivalent of mBTC at that time. Note that USD values stolen, if any, are not included, only the mBTC value.
1. Bitcoin Savings & Trust (1834303 $)
2. MyBitcoin Theft (1110544 $)
3. Allinvain Theft (502750.20 $)
4. July 2012 Bitcoinica Theft (305200 $)
5. Bitfloor Theft (248088 $)
6. Linode Hacks (230468 $)
7. Loss (236000 $)
8. Tony Silk Road Scam (150000 $)
9. Stefan Thomas Loss (128000 $)
10. Incident (121000 $)
11. Cdecker Theft (113894 $)
12. May 2012 Bitcoinica Hack (91306.46 $)
13. XBTGuild Incident (58737 $)
14. Bit LC Theft (51000 $)
15. Bitcoin7 Hack (50000 $)
16. June 2011 Mt. Gox Incident (46970.91 $)
17. BTC-E Hack (42000 $)
18. 2012 Trojan (38000 $)
19. Mooncoin Theft (24000 $)
20. Betcoin Theft (15509 $)
21. Bitcoin Syndicate Theft (12134.61 $)
U. Ubitex Scam (11668.70 $)
U. Andrew Nollan Scam (10978 $)
U. October 2011 Mt. Gox Loss (8115.12 $)
U. Bitscalper Scam (5000 $)

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